Pelvic floor meditation

Meditation. That word stresses lots of us out. I can't meditate, my mind is too busy. I don't have time to meditate.  Sometimes there are just too many 'shoulds' beating down our doors so we forget that actually, we do have time we just choose not to use it for our own positive benefit. Think … Continue reading Pelvic floor meditation

You’ve got this mamas! The Supermum Myth event in Norwich

You know those days with a small (or even slightly large) baby when you just think, actually it's so much of a palaver getting out of the house, managing last minute poo explosions, potential scream-fests (yours or baby's??), forgotten dummies, lost packets of wipes...some days it just all seems too much and so you opt … Continue reading You’ve got this mamas! The Supermum Myth event in Norwich

Series: What’s in your toolkit 3 – Emma Cannon

Emma Cannon is a fertility expert, author,  natural conception and IVF support acupuncture practitioner, and has been supporting women in their fertility journeys for many years. I had the great fortune to work on Emma Cannon's first book, The Baby-Making Bible, when I was working for the health and wellbeing publisher Rodale at Macmillan, in 2008. Liz … Continue reading Series: What’s in your toolkit 3 – Emma Cannon